Activities - Studio Bogoni - Tax and Corporate Consultancy
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What we do


Tax business consultancy

Tax consultancy.Support with direct and indirect taxation issues.

Drawing-up of opinions on specific matters, both at home and abroad.

National and international tax planning.

Incorporation and reorganisation of companies, branches, permanent establishments and agency offices.


Renato Bogoni
Aldo Travain
Inge Bisinella
Massimo Pellanda
Emanuele Artuso
Elisa Carrirolo
Filippo Battocchio

Corporate business consultancy

Consultancy on corporate law and corporate governance issues.

Support in acquisitions of businesses and companies operating under Italian and foreign law, including due diligence operations.

Planning and assistance in extraordinary finance transactions (such as mergers, demergers, business transfers).

Assistance with quotation on the Stock Exchange.

Business negotiations and drawing-up of documents (contracts, outline agreements, letters of intent, confidentiality covenants).

Auditing and control of accounts.


Renato Bogoni
Aldo Travain
Inge Bisinella
Massimo Pellanda
Elisa Carrirolo

Asset protection and tax consultancy dedicated to individuals

“Personal” tax planning.

Management of inheritance issues and organisation of family assets.

Planning of asset protection systems.


Renato Bogoni
Inge Bisinella
Massimo Pellanda
Emanuele Artuso

Business strategy planning

Strategic analysis and business planning, also in connection with M&A transactions.

Business and financial plan review: assessment of the coherence of existing plans, in view of the construction process, as well as recruitments, on the basis of the strategies outlined.

Process modelling: preparing studies and expert reports for the valuation of businesses and branches, also backing up M&A transactions, make or buy decisions, business start-up.

Analysis of financial statements, also for the purpose of establishing credit ratings.


Renato Bogoni
Inge Bisinella
Marella Chiapetti
Antonella Di Tella

Debt restructuring and insolvency procedures

Defining plans for the financial reorganisation and restructuring of businesses in difficulty, also through creditor’s proceedings and negotiations (arrangement with creditors, debt restructuring agreements and plans, etc.).

Support in debt restructuring, turnaround projects or in cases of acquisition/sale/leasing of businesses in difficulty, also by outlining new managerial projects or with the involvement of investors and financers.


Renato Bogoni
Marella Chiapetti
Valentina Magarotto
Antonella Di Tella

Tax Litigation

Support and representation of companies and individuals in tax disputes before Tax Commissions.

Support and representation during on-site examinations, tax inspections and assessments.

Following out-of-court proceedings with Tax Authorities, also with the benefit of legislative devices aimed at streamlining disputes.

Preparation and representation in applications for rulings (ordinary, requests to set aside, etc.) and other proceedings before the Tax Authorities.


Aldo Travain
Emanuele Artuso

Banking Litigation

Analysis of dealings with banks, leasing companies and other finance brokers in general, aimed at pin-pointing statutory flaws in contracts.

Examination of contractual terms applied by the client over time, pin-pointing any violations of legislative provisions against usury.

Liability profiles of finance brokers and compensation of damage for inappropriate reports to the Italian Central Credit Register held at the Banca d’Italia.


Renato Bogoni
Valentina Magarotto

Scientific Activities

The professionals of Studio Bogoni carry out intense scientific activity, participating as speakers in numerous conferences and seminars, publishing specialised contributions in collective works and magazines widely spread in the academic world, as well as collaborating in study commissions set up by professional associations of which they are members.



I componenti dello Studio, oltre ad intrattenere consuetudinari rapporti di colleganza e di collaborazione con i più prestigiosi studi tributari e legali, aderiscono ad autorevoli associazioni di categoria e reti professionali (OCI, UNGDCEC, Advisor Group), partecipando attivamente alle relative attività quali convegni, predisposizione di documenti di studio, nonché alla vita associativa.
Lo Studio Bogoni vanta inoltre consolidati rapporti con importanti studi professionali e con corrispondenti operanti nelle principali piazze economiche europee, asiatiche ed americane.