Renato Bogoni - Studio Bogoni - Tax and Corporate Consultancy
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Renato Bogoni


Awarded a Degree in Economy and Commerce (at Venice University in 1990). Member of the Padova Association of Chartered Accountants since 1992 and recorded in the Register of Auditors since 1995.

Until mid-1994, he worked with a leading Italian firm specialising in the handling of tax and corporate issues on behalf of large enterprises and multinational groups, as well as tax auditing and tax due diligence activities.

He then went on to set up a partnership specialising in tax and corporate consultancy services for large and medium-sized enterprises, with branch offices abroad, or experiencing difficulties of an international character, working alongside prominent professionals and university lecturers.

From January 1999 to halfway through 2001, he was the head of the Padova office of the studio run by Professor Giulio Tremonti, an extremely reputable studio that also operated with offices in Milan and Rome.

He then set up Studio Bogoni. As part of his working activities with the Studio:

  • he has handled the financial restructuring of leading groups through redevelopment and reconstruction procedures (pursuant to art. 67 or 182-bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Law), pre-liquidation or long-term arrangements and agreements;
  • he has coordinated important M&A transactions, instructed by both groups and leading institutional investors;
  • he has also held office as Auditor in a great number of large and medium-sized enterprises, included quoted companies, stock brokerage firms, trust companies, banks and other financial brokers. He has also acted on the Board of Directors of a number of privately or publicly owned companies and multinational enterprises, and has acted as Chairman of the Board of Directors of an important stock brokerage company.


The principal areas covered during his working activities can be summarised as follows:

  • reorganisation of multinational groups of companies, business transfers and mergers, also at an international level, assistance with M&A transactions and in the organisation of Leverage buy out transactions, mergers and demergers;
  • consultancy in company quotation operations;
  • consultancy in the preparation of debt restructuring agreements pursuant to art. 182 bis of the Italian Bankruptcy Law, in restructuring plans and arrangement proceedings.



He has taken part, both as speaker and moderator, in numerous conventions, as well as professional training and specialization initiatives promoted by Merchant Banks, professional associations, trade associations, enterprises, auditing firms and leading national and international banks. He has also appeared in television broadcasts dealing with tax or insolvency issues.

As a member of the academic committee at the National Studies Centre run by the Young Italian Chartered Accountants’ Association, he has contributed to the organising and scheduling of events of primary importance and in the publication of various academic works.


Principal publications

Periodical “Rassegna Tributaria”

  • “Restituzione dei sovrapprezzi ed elusione fiscale”
  • “Detassazione del reddito di impresa reinvestito e premio di assunzione: si applica alle nuove imprese?”
  • “Affitto d’azienda, conservazione d’efficienza e variazione delle consistenze di fine inventario: implicazioni civilistico-fiscali”


“Commercio Internazionale”

  • “Affari e commercio con la Croazia”


 “Il diritto privato nella giurisprudenza” Collection by P. Cendon – UTET

  • “Trasferimento di partecipazioni sociali: stock option, stock grant, stock purchase” (book I of Volume XXII)


Volume “Basilea 2” by Renato Bogoni and Eros De March – Gruppo Editoriale Esselibri – Simone.


 “Il Sole 24 Ore”

  • “La “vera” sede delle holding”
  • “I confini del leveraged buyout”
  • “Direttamente impugnabile: il no all’interpello antielusivo”


Co-author of the essay edited by G. Giappichelli – November 2015

  • “La nuova riforma del diritto concorsuale”


Co-author of the document published by the National Foundation of Chartered Accountants

  • “La predisposizione del piano industriale nell’ambito della crisi d’impresa: brevi note sui profili metodologici e sui prospetti informativi”


Rivista Diritto ed Economia dell’Impresa

  • “Spunti sulla postergazione dei crediti nell’ambito dei “gruppi”, tra norme e approdi giurisprudenziali”



Italian – English.